Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can't Hold Back!!!

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going." - George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian

Who's that handsome guy? Well I could use a shave and maybe some Just For!!! Wow it's that time again. Time to welcome you to my thoughts for the week. Well if your on my email list, you would know that yesterday I became an official Pennsylvanian (Thanks for the correction Laura). So there's no turning back now. Not that I would want to. I am headed in a new direction and turning my back on that would be senseless.

My training is going so so. It's crazy because I think I picked the wrong races to enter! Another run was cancelled : ( No worries though, I will be making it up at 5:15am!!! ) Talk about I guess I got the bug, huh? This is all really fun for me. Who every said it would be a cake walk? If there is something that you really want you have to first show some dedication, right? Throw in some determination and a touch of crazy, what do you get? I know what I get... I get to run in my first Half Marathon!!! How many people can say that? I look forward to meeting some of you if your planning on coming out to support me and 18 others on my team who are training to run the Half. Isn't that great!?! These are guys who some never ran before! I want to hear how some of you felt after running a half marathon. I want to know if you were feeling really anxious like I am.

My mind is not near tired!! I guess my body better keep up!! Let me share something with you all. I know the Caesar Rodney course is pretty hilly. I have been mentally preparing for that. I've been doing my research and picking the brains of those who have run it. I know that the finish line is all up hill. That's the one I want!!! I've had all sorts of suggestions on how to conquer it. From naming it after someone I don't like to saving up for it. Well there aren't any people that I despise like that and I plan on leaving everything out on the course. So, I'm going to look at it as the barrier between me and my future!! I'M GOING TO GIVE THAT HILL HELL!!! LOL...I'm pumped just thinking about it. I would love for you all to be there to witness this. In fact, you all are my fuel, my GOO, and my inspiration!!

This a step in a new direction. I have a new purpose, a renewed strength, and support from some of the most amazing people ever. when I say "Run With Me", I mean it. If not on my morning runs, become a fund-racer for BOMF to give others a chance to receive this gift. Buy a shirt to show your support. Sign up for the 20in24!!! This is the most unique race around.How ever you decide to help, do it because you feel good doing it. With that I will say...Thanks for listening.


Denise said...

Great opening quote! And congrats on becoming a Pennsylvanian!

I'll have to keep an eye out for you along Forbidden Drive.

john said...

congrats on becoming an official pennsylvanian. say that 10 times fast! :)

you look pretty snazzy in a tie isaac. keep up the good work.